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Best end of lease cleaners in Toorak

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    Average rating of end of lease cleaners in Toorak based on 1493 reviews of 45 businesses.

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    Popular end of lease cleaning jobs in

    • End Of Lease Cleaning job

      Posted by Phoebe

      19 Apr 2024
      • Mobile Verified
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      • Mobile VerifiedMobile
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      Location: Toorak, VIC
      Job Description: Afternoon of the 1st please.
    • End Of Lease Cleaning job

      Posted by Maria

      02 Dec 2023
      Location: Toorak, VIC
      Job Description: Cleaning a 3-bedroom, 1-bathroom house requires a systematic and thorough approach to ensure that every area is spotless. Here's a detailed description of what needs to be cleaned in each room: Bedrooms: Dust and Vacuum: Dust all surfaces, including furniture, shelves, and baseboards. Vacuum carpets and rugs thoroughly. Clean under the bed and behind furniture. Bedding: Change bed linens, pillowcases, and duvet covers. Shake out and fluff pillows. Consider rotating or flipping the mattress. Windows and Mirrors: Wipe down windowsills and clean glass surfaces. Dust blinds or curtains. Clean mirrors with a glass cleaner. Closets: Organize and declutter closets. Wipe down closet shelves and vacuum or clean the closet floor. Floor Care: Mop hard floors with a suitable cleaner. Vacuum or clean any bedroom carpets. Spot clean any stains. Trash: Empty trash cans and replace liners. Bathroom: Sanitization: Scrub and disinfect the toilet, bathtub, and shower. Clean the sink and countertop. Wipe down all surfaces, including light switches and doorknobs. Mirrors and Fixtures: Clean mirrors with a glass cleaner. Polish faucets and fixtures. Tile and Grout: Scrub tile walls and floors. Clean grout lines if necessary. Ventilation: Dust or vacuum exhaust fan covers. Ensure proper ventilation. Trash: Empty the bathroom trash can and replace the liner. Common Areas (Living Room, Dining Room, Hallways): Dust and Vacuum: Dust all surfaces, including furniture, shelves, and electronics. Vacuum carpets and rugs. Clean under and behind furniture. Floor Care: Mop hard floors with a suitable cleaner. Vacuum carpets and rugs. Windows and Glass Surfaces: Wipe down windowsills and clean glass surfaces. Dust blinds or curtains. Electronics: Dust and clean electronic devices. Organize and tidy up cables. Decor Items: Dust and clean decorative items, such as vases or picture frames. Trash: Empty trash cans in common areas and replace liners. Kitchen: Countertops and Surfaces: Wipe down countertops and kitchen surfaces. Clean the stove, oven, and microwave. Appliances: Clean the refrigerator, inside and out. Wipe down the exterior of other appliances (dishwasher, toaster, etc.). Sink and Faucet: Scrub the sink and polish the faucet. Clean the dish rack and soap dispenser. Cabinets: Wipe down cabinet exteriors. Declutter and organize cabinets. Floor Care: Mop hard floors with a suitable cleaner. Vacuum or clean any kitchen rugs. Trash: Empty the kitchen trash can and replace the liner.
    • End Of Lease Cleaning job

      Posted by Janice

      01 Dec 2023
      Location: Toorak, VIC
      Job Description: Hey, my rental property has just been vacated, and I required a complete clean of the property including all bedrooms, bathrooms and kitchen. I require de-greasing in the kitchen, and walls also to be wiped clean from marks and dust. I also require bedroom carpets to be vacuumed very clean.
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