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Rent Inspect Perth



29 598 380 317

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Address:Fremantle, WA


Business description

Rent Inspect is a Perth run business that offers outsourced property condition reports, inspection reports and final inspection reports. We pride ourselves in providing a high standard of service with accurate and detailed reports for your property. Our reports are conducted in a timely manner with high professionalism and great detail. We supply photos with all inspections and details of maintenance required. Whether you are an agency looking to lighten the work load on your property managers or a private landlord that just can't find the time to inspect your property, Rent Inspect can provided the services you need to make life easy. With years of experience in property management we understand the in's and out of looking after and maintaining rental properties and how time consuming reports can be. If you feel Rent Inspect may be the solution for you or your business then please give us a call today to discuss how we can assist you with your rental inspections, finals or PCR's. Whether it be on-going or once off reports, we are here to help. For more details and pricing visit our website or email us on [email protected]

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