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Staygood Celebrancy Verified Business



39 586 811 300

Business contact details

Address:West Footscray, VIC, 3012, West Footscray, VIC


Year founded:2023


Business description

I'm a kiwi, a lover of love, and a teller of stories. Let me help you shine on your wedding day by finding those nuggets of what makes your journey unique and awesome, and amplifying them for all to see and appreciate! If we don't click, you don't pick!

Accepted payment methods

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Direct Deposit

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To meet our high standards, businesses are requested to provide as much company information as possible (such as ABN details and any relevant industry qualifications). Oneflare has been provided with the following details for this business:

Reminder: If your job requires a qualified or licensed tradesperson, always request details regarding any relevant professional licences before work has commenced and check those details on relevant industry databases to ensure they remain valid.

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Frequently asked questions

  • How did you decide to get into your line of work?

    I love love, and I really enjoy helping people tell their story to their friends and family. Everybody's journey is unique and important, and I love being a part of helping that come to life on people's wedding day.

  • What questions should a customer ask to hire the right service professional?

    What are you core values when it comes to celebrancy? (and do they align with mine?) Are you available on my wedding date? What's been your favourite ceremony and why? What's the legal process between now and wedding day? Do I feel like this person would do a good job of telling our story in the most authentic, realistic way?

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Unique selling points

  • Right Arrow

    I'm your classic non-traditionalist who loves love. I think there's nothing better than gassing up mates in front of mates!

  • Right Arrow

    I'm a storyteller at heart. I'll get to know you both, find the themes in your journey and spin a yarn for the ages.

  • Right Arrow

    I believe we are on unceeded aboriginal lands, and we should honour the custodianship they've provided, and the be grateful for benefits that's provided.

  • Right Arrow

    As an honest operator, you can be sure I'll tell you what I think is best for you. I know I don't know everything.

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