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Business Profile Avatar

Katana Building Services Pty. Ltd. Verified Business



38 088 883 774

Business contact details

Address:31-39 Norcal Rd, Nunawading, VIC

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Opening hours


7:30 AM – 5:00 PM


7:30 AM – 5:00 PM


7:30 AM – 5:00 PM


7:30 AM – 5:00 PM


7:30 AM – 5:00 PM





Business description

Katana Building have been building high quality renovations and extensions for over 20 years, often working with Architects designs to create beautiful new spaces for our values clients. We specialise in making the building experience a happy and rewarding one, and making sure every detail is attended to to ensure the clients are totally satisfied with our finished work. KBS will provide a clear and thorough quote detailing every aspect of the work we propose to do so our clients know exactly what the we will deliver. We value clear communication and have a full time Project manager allocated to every project to make sure the job runs smoothly and to a very high standard.

Accepted payment methods

Direct Deposit

Direct deposit

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To meet our high standards, businesses are requested to provide as much company information as possible (such as ABN details and any relevant industry qualifications). Oneflare has been provided with the following details for this business:

  • ABN

    ABN - 38088883774

  • Insurance

    Public Liability Insurance


Reminder: If your job requires a qualified or licensed tradesperson, always request details regarding any relevant professional licences before work has commenced and check those details on relevant industry databases to ensure they remain valid.

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Frequently asked questions

  • Are you an insured business and do you guarantee your work?

    Absolutely!! We have been operating in Melbourne for well over 20 years, are fully insured and as a reputable Builder, we guarantee all our work.

  • Will you require customers to share their COVID-19 vaccination status?


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