Co-branding Airtasker OneflareCo-branding Airtasker Oneflare
Business Profile Avatar

Ashby, Vincent James Verified Business



45 404 558 474

Business contact details

Address:Penrith, NSW


Year founded:2001

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Opening hours


9:00 AM – 5:00 PM


9:00 AM – 5:00 PM


9:00 AM – 5:00 PM


9:00 AM – 5:00 PM


9:00 AM – 5:00 PM


9:00 AM – 5:00 PM


9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Business description

Transform your surroundings with precision and expertise courtesy of our dedicated concreting services. Specializing in driveways, footpaths, and landscaping, we bring your outdoor spaces to life with a perfect blend of functionality and aesthetics. Elevate the appeal and durability of your garage and driveway with our state-of-the-art epoxy flooring solutions. For added structural elegance, our expertise extends to crafting sturdy and visually striking retaining walls. Proudly serving the Greater Sydney area, we are committed to delivering unparalleled quality and customer satisfaction. Trust us to turn your visions into concrete reality, creating spaces that stand the test of time and make a lasting impression.

Accepted payment methods


American Express

Circle Money Icon - hollow


Direct Deposit

Direct deposit

MasterCard Logo






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To meet our high standards, businesses are requested to provide as much company information as possible (such as ABN details and any relevant industry qualifications). Oneflare has been provided with the following details for this business:

  • ABN

    ABN - 45404558474

  • Insurance

    Public Liability Insurance

  • Documents

    NSW Fair Trading - 275221C


Reminder: If your job requires a qualified or licensed tradesperson, always request details regarding any relevant professional licences before work has commenced and check those details on relevant industry databases to ensure they remain valid.

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Unique selling points

  • Right Arrow

    Complete Project Solutions: From excavation and construction, we offer project solutions. Our tipper and excavator integrate with our concreting expertise for a easy experience.

  • Right Arrow

    Whether it's crafting stunning retaining walls, transforming landscapes, or adding a touch of elegance with epoxy flooring, our versatile expertise ensures a one-stop solution.

  • Right Arrow

    Our tipper and excavator bring efficiency to every project. Our state-of-the-art equipment is operated by skilled professionals, ensuring precision and speed in execution.

  • Right Arrow

    Epoxy Excellence: Elevate your spaces with epoxy flooring. From garage transformations to stylish driveways, our epoxy solutions add modern sophistication to your property.

  • Right Arrow

    Beyond concrete structures, we are landscaping visionaries. Enhance your outdoor spaces with our expert touch, creating environments that seamlessly blend with the natural surroundings.

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