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Blue Martin Property Services Pty Ltd Verified Business



49 603 982 172

Business contact details

Address:Melbourne, VIC


Year founded:2014

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Opening hours




9:00 AM – 5:00 PM


9:00 AM – 5:00 PM


9:00 AM – 5:00 PM


9:00 AM – 5:00 PM


9:00 AM – 5:00 PM


10:30 AM – 3:30 PM

Business description

At Blue Martin, we understand that everyone is different. This is why we have made it our ambition to build our clients the home of their dreams and provide expertise for their projects. We are determined to make it easier and simpler for Australians to build beautiful new homes that always offer exceptional value for money. We have developed a system where highly trained staff, quality services methods, and a dependable team of professionals come together to deliver exceptional facility services. Throughout the project, we are dedicated to the highest standard of workmanship. Each of our qualified builders and preferred subcontractors have been selected for their individual standards of expertise and their commitment to excellence. Contact us for more information

Accepted payment methods

Direct Deposit

Direct deposit

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To meet our high standards, businesses are requested to provide as much company information as possible (such as ABN details and any relevant industry qualifications). Oneflare has been provided with the following details for this business:

  • ABN

    ABN - 49603982172

  • Insurance

    Public Liability Insurance

  • Certification

    WorkCover Insurance


Reminder: If your job requires a qualified or licensed tradesperson, always request details regarding any relevant professional licences before work has commenced and check those details on relevant industry databases to ensure they remain valid.

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Frequently asked questions

  • Are you an insured business and do you guarantee your work?

    Yes, Blue Martin guarantee to complete the project on the time within a certain budget. Blue Martin has $20 million dollars Liability Insurance

  • What do you like most about your job?

    Problem solving

Unique selling points

  • Right Arrow

    Your satisfactory experience is our promise

  • Right Arrow

    We provide a range of services from designing to installing.

  • Right Arrow

    No variation policy

  • Right Arrow

    All works are conducted in Australian Standards

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